Berlin day 1

From car to train to train, I made my way to Berlin today. I’ve never been here. I find it vibrant yet weighted with history.  I walked a lot today getting to know the city right out of the gate.

The Brandenburg Gate.


Checkpoint Charlie.


(Above) Two views of a very moving memorial in the center of town.


Central train station and typical mash up of old and new Berlin.


Pieces of the Berlin Wall.

2 thoughts on “Berlin day 1

  1. Tracking your journey… The pictures of Berlin–looks like the “new” Berlin often is 50s and 60s architecture–no doubt the rebuilding of the city after WWII. Fascinating…. Have you read the book “All the Light We Cannot See.” WWII story. Your pictures made me think of that.


    Liked by 1 person

    • I haven’t read it but I’ll check it out. This city makes me think of you Ken– with its mix of styles, art and history. I also think of Jon but that’s all throughout Germany.


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